We teach at a variety of locations in Inverness and throughout the rest of Scotland. We also offer live classes online via Zoom to anybody anywhere in the world.
We offer tuition from beginner to expert level for children, adults, retirees and the corporate sector
To help people learn languages in the fastest, most effective, most enjoyable ways possible.
Our Teachers
As well as language expert/polyglot Neil Kendall, we also have a network of tutors teaching throughout Scotland who are all trained in our methods.
FACT: Most people who study a language, attend language classes or use home study courses DO NOT end up succeeding and DO NOT END UP becoming fluent in the language they try to learn.
I get students coming to me ALL THE TIME who say they've tried everything - other languages classes, most of the popular and over-hyped language courses/apps on the market, etc - and yet they STILL CAN'T ACTUALLY SPEAK OR USE THE LANGUAGE IN THE REAL WORLD.
That wasn't because they were 'bad at languages' - assuming they were motivated and put in the necessary time and effort, it was because the methods they were using were ineffective. As a result, they ended up chasing themselves around with gimmicky and overpriced language learning courses and ultimately getting nowhere.
When they come to me, I am often their last hope, and they always leave getting the results they wanted!
Here are the acid tests of whether a language learning method works or not and whether you can say you know a language
- If you were to meet a native/fluent speaker of the language you're learning, would you be able to confidently hold an articulate conversation with them RIGHT NOW, without referring to any notes and without looking anything up?
- If you had to go to a country where the language is spoken, could you confidently survive in most everyday situations using the language?
- If you had to read an average news article (in a newspaper or an online news website, etc) in the language, could you understand most of it or at least enough of the article to be able to at least get the gist of it?
- If you speak to a native/fluent speaker, or switch on tv or radio in the language you're learning, would you be able to understand most of what you hear, or at least enough to get the gist of it?
If you answered NO to any or all of the above questions, then to be blunt 1) YOU DON'T KNOW THE LANGUAGE, and 2) THE LANGUAGE LEARNING METHODS/COURSE/CLASSES YOU'VE BEEN USING DID NOT WORK.
What gives Neil Kendall Language School the edge over other language schools and language learning methods
We don't believe in using textbooks, giving boring classroom lectures, dull grammar drills, nor trying to cram lists of words or grammar rules into your head 'parrot fashion', etc. We believe language learning should be fun and produce results, so we have thrown all that out the window!
Teaming up with Linkword Languages, we incorporate the following accelerated learning techniques and now have the ultimate language learning method for you which will definitely produce great results.
Accelerated learning technique 1: Build a solid foundation and structural framework in the grammatical structure of a language
>>> Think of learning a language like constructing a building. When you build a building, the first thing that needs to be done is to build solid foundations and a structural framework. This is the foundation upon which everything else is added to. Without a strong foundation and structure, even the nicest looking building will simply fall apart.
The same is true of learning another language. You first need to learn the structural framework of the language, i.e. the grammatical structure.
The foundation and structural framework of any language is the verb tenses, as well as how to use the nouns, adjectives and other parts of speech to form your own sentences. Without knowing these, you will never become fluent in another language
At Neil Kendall Language School, we teach you the grammatical structure of a language in a systematic way and easy to follow way. We teach everything in a specific sequence and gently guide you through the different verb tenses and grammatical structures, so that by the end of our courses you will have a solid structural framework of the language to work from.
Essentially, we give you the building blocks of the language, and show you how to use them. You can then chop and change these building blocks around to construct your own sentences and say what you want to suit your own individual needs.
Accelerated learning technique 2: We teach vocabulary using fun memory hooks, visualisations & animations rather than by rote.
>>> Most language classes and courses present you with long lists of vocabulary but fail to show you HOW to remember the vocabulary. The result is that most language learners have trouble memorising and recalling vocabulary and end up getting frustrated, losing motivation or giving up.
We've solved this problem by teaming up with Linkword Languages. We use their state of the art animated and software courses alongside our own methods in our classes. Their courses use scientifically proven memory techniques to enable you to effortlessly learn and remember vocabulary and grammar points, including genders of nouns and words that are usually difficult to pronounce or very different from English. You will have no trouble recalling what you've learned when you come to actually use the language in real life.
Accelerated learning technique 3: We teach you the most frequently used words and structures of a language
>>> Fact: in order to speak a foreign language well, you need a decent sized vocabulary, otherwise you will quickly become unstuck.
In most languages, the core of everyday language used in speech, media content etc ranges from between 500 - 1500 commonly used words, as well as certain key grammatical structures, so by focusing on these first, your language learning will have the maximum impact. This is what we teach you at Neil Kendall Language School.
You don't need to concern yourself with specialised or technical vocabulary in the beginning. That is a waste of time, and can come later. Just focus on the most common core vocabulary and grammar at first.
By teaching you this core of the language, you will quickly reach a functional level of fluency and build a solid foundation for reaching higher levels of fluency.
Accelerated learning technique 4: We give you special exercises to practice the 4 key skills in a language - speaking, reading, writing and listening
>>> Fact: in order to become fluent in another language, you need to work on the 4 key skills: speaking, reading, writing and listening comprehension.
Most language classes and courses teach you from textbooks and in a very one dimensional way, and they don't train you up in all 4 of these key skills.
At Neil Kendall Language School, we focus on teaching our students each of the 4 key language learning skills, both in our classes and via our special designed student resource area. Every student who enrols in our classes gets free access to our student resource area where they can practice and drill themselves on the 4 key language skills using the material learned in our classes via our specially designed exercises which you can practice between classes and after a course ends. This will both make and keep their language skills very sharp and ready to use in the real world.
Accelerated learning technique 5: Double speed listening comprehension practice
>>> Fact: most people who learn another language struggle with listening comprehension. They might learn a language, but when they go to use it in the real word with a native/fluent speaker, they can't understand what's being said to them, and they definitely can't understand radio or tv in the language.
While other language classes/courses might teach you to speak, read and write in another language, most fail to train up your listening comprehension skills, resulting in a big gap in their students' knowledge which becomes apparent as soon as they try to use the language in the real world.
At Neil Kendall Language School, we utilise special listening comprehension exercises, narrated by native speakers, so that you can get used to hearing the most common words and structures of a language. Not only that, but we utilise a technique called double speed listening, which will train your listening comprehension skills to the extreme (more info coming on this soon....).
Accelerated learning technique 6: Utilising cognates to learn thousands of words fast
>>> Most words in English are derived from other languages, especially Latin based romance languages, as well as Germanic languages. This means that you can actually convert English words into words in other languages (and vice versa) simply by changing the pronunciation and/or the endings of English words. Words like this are known as cognates.
This will enable you to learn tens of thousands of words, including the correct genders of those words, simply by learning a few basic rules, this saving you the time and hassle of having to learn those words one by one by rote. And you'll be pleased to know, we teach you these simple rules in our courses!
Accelerated learning technique 7: Simple rules & memory techniques to easily get round the problem of learning genders of nouns in a language
>>> One of the biggest challenges in some languages is learning and remembering the correct genders of nouns. Most language classes/courses present you with lists of vocabulary and just expect you to somehow magically remember the correct genders, which of course doesn't work.
At Neil Kendall Language School, we utilise simple, fun and effective memory techniques to easily help you remember and recall the correct genders of nouns.What's more, we also teach you some simple rules (which most other language courses fail to teach) so that it's not always necessary to memorise the genders of every noun; by utilising these simple rules, you can most of the time get the correct gender, thus saving you the time and hassle of having to remember the genders by rote/parrot fashion.
Accelerated learning technique 8: Putting everything together so you can hold real, articulate conversations with native/fluent speakers as well as use the language to survive and thrive in common everyday life situations
>>> It's all good and well learning a lot of words and grammar in a language, but can you actually bring everything you've learned together and actually apply what you've learned in the real world as and when you need to? Specifically, 1) if you were to meet a native/fluent speaker of the language you've learned, would you be able to hold a fluent and natural conversation with them, and 2) could you use the language to survive in everyday life situations you're going to need it for?
At Neil Kendall Language School, we give you extensive conversation practice by gradually building up your conversation skills, as well as show you how to use what you know in the most common everyday scenarios and situations you're likely to encounter. We will leave you fully prepared so that you can confidently go out and successfully use your language in the real world. After all, that's the whole point of learning another language, isn't it!
Accelerated learning technique 9: We give you a roadmap for what to do AFTER you complete a course with us, so that you can continue growing your language ability
>>> One of the biggest questions language learners ask is often 'What do I do after I complete a language course?'. Fortunately, we will answer that by giving you a road map for what you can do next to grow your ability in your new language, based on Neil Kendall's hard earned years of language learning experience and wisdom. You will not be left to figure it all out on your own, but you will leave us knowing what to do next.
For those of you who want to continue learning your language with us, we offer higher level courses as well as pay as you go tuition suited to your own language learning needs, so that you can take your language ability to even higher levels with own guidance.