3 Month Speed Learn A Language Course
(Beginner - Intermediate level)
This course is run weekly over 3 months, and includes 12 1 - 1.5 hour group sessions held live online via Zoom. This course is for complete beginners (or near beginners) and will take you to intermediate level in your new language in just 12 weeks.
By the end of the course, you will have learned over 400 words and have a solid grounding in the core grammar and structure of your new language.
We very much emphasise the social aspect too - you'll get to meet new, like minded people and all in person classes include free tea/coffee/biscuits too!
What you'll learn in the 3 month Speed Learn A Language course:
Vocabulary topics covered
You will learn over 400 words, including:
Furniture, colours & household words
Clothes, family & time words
Outdoor/country words, days of the week, months of the year
Food & drink words
Shopping & business words
Transport, travel & leisure words
Doctors/emergency words
Common everyday verbs
Adjectives/descriptive words
Adverbs & time expressions
Cognates - most common ways of converting English words into words in another languages and vice versa. Easily boosts your vocabulary by 1000s of words by learning a few simple rules!
Grammar points
Building blocks of the language to enable you to form your own sentences
Most common verb tenses – present, future (with 'going to' and 'will'), past tense (perfect tense, imperfect tense), conditional, command form, etc
Common irregular verbs
Question & negative forms of verbs + question words
Modal/auxiliary verbs in present, past and future tense forms - can/to be able to, to want, to have to/must, to need, to like, would like, etc
To be – is, am, are etc
Nouns – genders, plurals, definite & indefinite articles
Adjectives – agreements & endings
Conjunctions & prepositions
Telling the time
Pronouns – personal & possessive
Was, were etc
Reading & writing
How to pronounce the letters of the alphabet + reading practice so you can read and write in your new language
Everyday phrases & conversation
Basic greetings & small talk
Talking about how you feel
Talking about what you're doing/have done/are going to do
Asking directions, etc
Talking about what you like, dislike etc
Discussing personal interests
Giving opinions
Asking for things, how much something is, etc
And more!
Bonus materials
Free software course (for PC, Mac or Android) version of the material in the animated course/software course used in our classes, so that you can revise the material again as much you want (normal cost £17.49)
Pdf summaries of all the vocabulary, grammar points, sentences and everyday phrases covered for you to practice at home.
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